In April 2010 i decided to built a new
SSPA for my EME activities. I decided to use 2 small modules
from ITB.
Due to some QRL and other things the project was finished in
August 2011.
So the start of this project was in the time before the new
freescale high power transistors.
The amplifier consists of an built in microcontroller for
RF-power/SWR measurement and overload protection
and the possiblity to remote control the amplifier.
The SSPA has also an built in power supply for external
preamplifier with 24V relay and a built in sequencer.
The receive path is made for the use of a seperate RX Iine
without to modify the used transceiver.
more information about the controller, the powerdetector,
the swr-protection circuit and the lowpass filter can be found here.
here are some pictures of the realized hard- and software: maincontroller with
LCD-DISPLAY 4x27 symbols RF-DECK with RF power modules,RF switch,combiners and
SWR protection
INSIDE VIEW with powersupplies, LPF, controller FRONT VIEW OF THE AMPLIFIER
PA debug monitor for serial computer interface
remote control software (under construction)
If you need more information please write me an email